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Young adults


Are you 18-30 and desiring to dig deeper into your relationship with Jesus and your connection to the church family? Join in with young adults from all three sites as we strive to follow Jesus together—growing in worship, deepening in community, and moving on mission. Connect at instagram, sign up for emails, and reach out to Graydon to stay up to date on all that’s happening!

7PM TUESDAYS: The core of our community is our weekly gathering including time to hang out, study the scriptures, and discuss together. We meet each Tuesday at the Connors Hill foyer. C’mon out to 9419 95 St NW to join us! You DO NOT need to RSVP to come to the weekly Bible study. Just show up!

Young Adults

Jesus Is… (May, 2024). This month we will be diving into a new series called “Jesus Is”, exploring who people think Jesus is. Join us on Tuesdays from 7-9pm (ish) at Connors Hill in the foyer!

We’d love to have you join us!

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