Child Dedication Overview
Child dedication is a unique opportunity to publicly declare your intentions to provide a loving, godly upbringing for your child. It's also a chance for our church community to stand alongside you, offering support, guidance, and prayer as you embark on this sacred journey. While child dedication is a significant step, it does not in itself secure the salvation of a child. Salvation is a personal journey that begins with a heartfelt profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
Child dedication finds its roots in the Bible, where parents dedicated their children to God as an act of worship. In 1 Samuel 1:21-28, we see Hannah dedicating her son Samuel to the Lord. Similarly, in Luke 2:21-23, Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple for dedication. Just like these devoted parents, you can make a spiritual commitment to raise your child in the ways of the Lord.
If you're interested in dedicating your child, please fill out the interest form, and one of our staff members will contact you to schedule your special day. We look forward to celebrating the precious gift of your child and seeking God's blessings upon their life. As a church, we're thrilled to be a part of your family's spiritual journey.
Child Dedication Format
Child dedication is a special moment in our church and a great opportunity to invite family and friends to attend. It will be typically led by one or two members of our ministry staff, and it includes four parts:
INTRODUCTION. We will briefly explain the purpose of child dedication to those in attendance.
BLESSING. Your immediate family (household) will be invited up to the front of the church, and one or both parents will share a short blessing for your child (typically 1-2 minutes). This is a very personal moment and we leave it largely to you to decide what you’d like to say. Often parents will speak directly to their child and will share a special scripture, some personal thoughts or a written prayer.
COMMITMENT. We will ask you to affirm a few questions relating to the dedication of your child:
Having been blessed by the Lord with (child’s name), and having been given this incredible responsibility, will you commit yourself to care for, nurture, and educate (name) in the ways of the Lord?
Will you strive to be living examples of Jesus Christ to (name), to teach (name) by example to observe and respect God’s Word, and to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, and will you humbly and faithfully pray for (name) to grow to know and follow Jesus?
PRAYER. We will pray for your child and your family, dedicating them to God.