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Sometimes, we get it wrong—and even when we know it, we double down. We twist truth, hold onto control, and redefine grace to fit what we want. But what if there’s a better way? In this talk, we look at one of the most famous trials in history to see how Jesus meets us in our mess and turns everything upside down.
Have you ever felt betrayed, falsely accused, or failed when you needed to stand firm? This passage offers a powerful look at how Jesus responded when His closest friends betrayed, denied, and abandoned Him. In this message, we explore the profound lessons Jesus teaches us through His unwavering love, sovereignty, and boldness. How does Jesus respond when we fail? Discover the grace and strength He offers us, even in our weakest moments.
In John 17, Jesus prays for unity among His followers, highlighting that our relationship with God, each other, and the world is at the core of the Gospel. His prayer calls us to be one with the Father, one with each other in love and purpose, and to live with a Kingdom posture that reflects our unity in Christ. As we engage in the world, Jesus’ desire is for us to live in relationship, empowered by joy, holiness, and the truth, as we carry His message of reconciliation to those who don’t yet know Him.
What if Jesus’ final words weren’t just for pastors or missionaries—but for you? His command to “go and make disciples” isn’t a solo mission, and it’s not just about personal growth. It’s a call to be part of something bigger—leading people to Jesus, shaping new communities, and trusting that He is always with us. Join us as we unpack what this looks like in our lives, our church, and even the future of our city.
Life can feel like a sudden fog rolling in, making it hard to see what’s ahead. The disciples felt that confusion, but Jesus pointed them toward something deeper—His resurrection would change everything. Because He rose, we can see God’s plans more clearly, we can have direct fellowship with Him, and we can live with peace even in the middle of life’s hardest struggles. Jesus never promised an easy road, but He did promise this: “Take heart! I have overcome the world!”
The call of John 15 is to abide in Jesus….to be connected to the true vine. However, with that connection comes exposure to the same worldly hatred and persecution that Jesus received in his time on earth. As Jesus continues to teach his disciples in this chapter, he instructs them (and us!) that while a life of following him can be hard, he will not abandon us to navigate that life on our own. In fact, he will give us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that even as we follow him through difficulty, he can use our challenges to strengthen others and encourage them to follow him as well.
Do you ever feel stuck—like no matter how hard you try, you're not growing or moving
forward? Jesus gives us a simple but powerful truth: real growth only happens when we stay
connected to him. Without him, we wither, but with him, we thrive. What would it look like to stop
striving on your own and start abiding in the life he offers?
Life can feel uncertain, lonely, and confusing, but what if God has already given us everything we need to walk in truth and confidence? Jesus’ words in John 14 reveal a powerful promise—one that changes how we experience His presence, hear His voice, and follow His way. If you’ve ever struggled to understand what it really means to love and obey Jesus, or if you feel like you’re doing it all on your own, this is for you.
How do you feel about the future? When life feels uncertain, it’s easy to get caught up in fear or worry about what comes next. But what if you didn’t have to face those fears alone? Today, Jesus invites you to receive his peace, direction, and lasting purpose—three things that can change your perspective from anxiety to hope.
When’s the last time you were betrayed or hurt by someone close to you? Jesus faced this with Judas and Peter—one betrayed him, the other denied him—but he still chose to love. Jesus was deeply hurt, but he didn’t let pain define him. Instead, he chose to love, and he calls us to do the same.