We put relationships first.
A better life doesn’t come from more money, stuff, popularity, achievements, power or success. Instead, the lasting stuff of life is all about relationships. So we walk together in a different way, putting relationships first, and seeking to grow towards maturity together.
We are growing in worship.
Growing our relationship with our Creator is top priority and leads to more abundant life in every area. So we study the Bible together, invite God's power into our lives, and celebrate when we see lives changing all around us.
We are deepening in community.
Life is not an individual pursuit. We all need to walk together with others through both the ups and downs. So we value and try to grow our relationships with our fellow journeyers, those who are walking closely alongside.
We are moving on mission.
We have a mission and purpose in life. So we pursue our individual and unique calling within God's mission and seek to understand how it fits together with others for the greatest possible good.
We are following Jesus together.
We know we haven’t arrived. We don't want to stay where we are. We want to move. We want to grow. And we know we need strength and wisdom that we don't have on our own. So we fix our eyes on Jesus and follow him together.
Want to learn more?
Central has developed what we call the “Maturing Follower Framework.” It’s a list of 12 statements that define some of the core elements of what is included in growing in our love for God, our love for one another in the church family and our love for our neighbours.