At Central, we value people of all ages including 55+, Active Seniors and Shut-Ins.
We recognize unique needs and opportunities available to those in later life stages. So, we aim to provide for the long-term discipleship and care to those in these age groups who participate in the life of Central. We desire seniors to be meaningfully involved in the service and mission of our community as we follow Jesus together.
There are several opportunities for discipleship and care for anyone in these stages of life (scroll to read more below).
Pastor of Seniors Ministry
Groups – One way to go deeper with others is to gather regularly in smaller groups. We have Seniors groups and multi-generational groups.
1029 Bible Study - Join us on Wednesday mornings (September - mid June) at 10:30am at Connors Hill for our Seniors Bible study. We meet both in person and online.
Request a Visit for you or a loved one – Would you like to talk with a pastor for some encouragement and prayer? Do you know an older adult who might benefit from a pastoral visit? Let us know of your need by filling out the interest form.
Grandparents at Prayer – Has God blessed you with grandkids? Have you ever wondered how to encourage and help your grandkids to follow Jesus? Grandparents at Prayer is a monthly gathering that aims to equip and encourage grandparents in their high calling.
Online Worship Connection - If you or a loved one can’t get out to attend a worship service, you don’t have to miss it. We have online worship every Sunday.
After Service Coffee and Refreshments – This is a great time to connect with old friends and meet new ones.
55+ Conversations (Quarterly) – We gather to talk about topics and issues relevant to those in the 50-70ish age group. Topics include Preparing to Finish Well; Caring for Aging Parents; Relating to an unbelieving adult child or family member; Finding purpose in later life and others.
White Cross – Do you want to meet other seniors and help hospitals in Africa? Seniors gather to cut strips and roll bandages for hospitals. This is a drop in gathering.
Seniors Ministry Team – Do you have a heart for older adults? Has God gifted you in compassion, visiting and help? Do you like talking on the phone? With a large seniors community, there are plenty of needs and opportunities to serve. If you are interested in any way, please connect through our interest form.