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Christmas Eve Services

Join us either in person or online on Christmas Eve for our celebration of Jesus’ birth. These one-hour services for the whole family will include Christmas carols, videos, and Scripture readings. While the services will be enjoyable for all ages, we plan to provide childcare for the youngest of our guests (ages 0-3). Towards the end of the service, we will join together in song and light candles, so for those joining us online please have some candles ready for lighting at the end of the service.

We will have in person services at 3:00pm and 5:00pm at Connors Hill, Southeast and Sherwood Park.

We will have a hosted online service at 3:00pm. The service will also be available on demand the rest of Christmas Eve. To access the online service, please see Central Online Worship or click the button below.

Christmas Eve Offering

On Christmas Eve, we will be receiving a special offering that will go to the Mustard Seed and PALM Ministries. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to participate in blessing these ministries this year! If you would like to give to the Christmas Eve Offering, please clearly designate your giving for Christmas Eve.

The Mustard Seed. The Mustard Seed is committed to building hope and well-being for the most vulnerable citizens of our community through Jesus’ love. Their passion is to see individuals and families experiencing poverty and homelessness have their basic needs met, and be supported toward sustainable life change and integration into the broader community. They are working towards ending homelessness and poverty in Edmonton with the hope that all citizens will know wellness and independence. They serve out of a growing number of locations in Edmonton.

PALM Ministries. PALM facilitates followers of Jesus to share the hope that they have found in Christ with new Canadians who have ears to hear. They extend this invitation through loving newcomers in word and action. They provide furniture to families when they arrive and need a bed to sleep on. They provide ESL classes so men and women can be empowered to communicate in their new environment. They advocate for new Canadians in doctor's offices, welfare offices, cell phone kiosks, and wherever needed. And they lovingly point them to Jesus as natural opportunities arise. In short, PALM puts out a welcome mat in Jesus’ name.

Earlier Event: December 13
Later Event: December 25
Christmas Day Services