Prayer Week 2020: January 12-19
Seeking God’s Voice Together
As a church, we'll be setting aside a week to seek God's voice together, and we invite you to be a part of it. This week will include resources to help you press in personally and as a family, drop-in prayer space (daily 9-5), evening worship and prayer meetings each night at 7, and a variety of other options to engage. All of our regular church programs will either be cancelled or focused on prayer. The goal is that we could hear God's voice together and prepare ourselves to respond to ways that he's calling us forward as individuals and as a church. Would you consider clearing this week as much as you can and pressing in together with your church family?
Ways to engage...
Resources. If you are on Central’s email list, you’ll receive an intro package the week before Prayer Week 2020 begins, and daily emails January 12-19 to help you press in personally and as a family.
Drop-In Prayer Space. Our auditoriums at both sites will be set up as a space where you can drop-in to pray as well as engage alone or with others in a variety of prayer stations. See schedule below for details.
Gathered Prayer. Every day during our prayer week there will be an opportunity to gather with others to worship, receive equipping for prayer and pray together. Our gathered prayer meetings will take place at Connors Hill together as a whole church. See schedule below for details.
Prayer Huddles. There are a variety of simple, informal prayer times being led by people from Central during the Prayer Space times. Scroll down for prayer huddle schedule below the main schedule.
GROUPS. We encourage GROUPS and other ministries to consider cancelling your regular meetings and engaging together in Prayer Week opportunities.
Please join us as we expect God to speak and prepare ourselves to listen and follow!