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Salt & Light Banquet

  • Connors Hill 9419 - 95 St NW Edmonton, AB T6C 4K2 Canada (map)
2020 02 08 - Salt & Light Banquet Slide.jpeg

This significant ministry to women and their kids is taking place on Saturday, February 8th. We are still in need of several volunteers to help with this event. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up using the online form or email

We are also in need of funds for this incredible ministry. If you are able to help financially with this event, please make your cheque payable to “Central Baptist Church”, write “Salt & Light” on the envelope and memo line, and put it in the offering. You may also give online at

Earlier Event: February 7
CYM JR High Laser Tag
Later Event: February 9
Missions Potluck