We are looking forward to our next in person gathering- potentially the first one without any pandemic restrictions for the past 2 years! That is something to celebrate!
However, even before restrictions were lifted we wanted this gathering to be one of sharing joy and laughter together - something that we felt has not been as prevalent in our lives these last two years - so we have planned this evening to be focused on socializing, sharing stories, and playing some simple games to help us get to know each other and have some fun! And now, because we have been longing to do this again for so long, we will also have dessert, tea and coffee to share with you all!
(Food and drink will be served and hand sanitizer will be available, keeping in mind that health and safety measures are still important at this time).
We hope you will be able to join us for this evening of fun and fellowship on Wednesday, April 27th at Connors Hill (in the gym) and we so look forward to seeing you there!