Leading a group through these questions? Here’s a simple guide for 1.5-2 hour GROUP meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayer. (5 minutes)
Read the passage aloud. (5 minutes)
Guide the group through the questions. (30-60 minutes)
Take time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. (15-30 minutes)
Summary: Our lives are formed by the choices we make. So, do you know how to make great decisions? If you want to have an awesome life, you've got to get wisdom. But it doesn't happen automatically.
Main Points:
Getting wisdom is the key to making great decisions and having an awesome life.
Getting wisdom is not automatic, but it is possible.
Getting wisdom happens over time as we apply godly advice and evaluate the results.
Grow in your relationship with God through prayer and the study of scripture. (Proverbs)
Grow deeper relationships with godly people by humbly asking their advice.
Actually try out godly advice in real life, and evaluate the results.
“Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”
What stands out to you from this passage? How does this passage most challenge or encourage you?
According to Proverbs 3 & 4, where does wisdom come from, and how is wisdom different from information?
Proverbs encourages us to acquire wisdom “thought it cost all we have”. What can wisdom cost?
Where are you tempted in your life to apply information rather than wisdom? Why does the application of information sometimes seem more tempting than the application of wisdom?
What have you been asking the Lord for? How might Scripture’s call to gain wisdom influence you in this?
What decisions are you currently facing that require godly wisdom? How will you “go get it”? Make a plan.
How do you want to respond to this passage in your daily life?
How can we pray for you as a group?
Next week: JOHN 4:43-54