Leading a group through these questions? Here’s a simple guide for 1.5-2 hour GROUP meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayer. (5 minutes)
Read the passage aloud. (5 minutes)
Guide the group through the questions. (30-60 minutes)
Take time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. (15-30 minutes)
Summary: The first few verses in John are packed with theological beauty and depth that will echo and expand through the remainder of his Gospel. Before beginning the historic account of Jesus’ life, John clarifies the biggest truths—that Jesus is truly God, that he is the “true light” our world desperately needs, and that he became a human to bridge the relational gap between God and people. But John also foreshadows the rejection and suffering of Jesus which (plot twist) will become the very path through which God will offer salvation to his enemies and show his glory to the world.
Main Points:
Jesus is truly God, existing eternally and creating all things.
Jesus is the true light, rejected by many but received by others.
Jesus became truly human, restoring relationship between God and people.
Receive the grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Keep going deeper in your relationship with him.
Invite God to use the Gospel of John in your life.
What stands out to you from this passage? How does this passage most challenge or encourage you?
John makes the claim that Jesus is truly God. Read Colossians 1:15-20. What does this passage state about Jesus and His divinity?
John says in verse 5, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. Read Revelation 21:23-25. Notice the similarities. What do you find significant about John book ending his Gospel and Revelation with this idea? Can you see any other themes connected?
Jeremy said that the Bible is honest about there being darkness in this world. We can see it. In our workplace, in our communities, etc. John presents Jesus as the true light to the world. John the baptist testifies to the light “so that they might believe”. Why do you think that the world doesn’t receive Him?
John says that Jesus is the revelation of God to us. He has come to rescue us from the darkness and bring us into relationship with Him. Jeremy said that from the very heart of God is the reality of the importance of relationships. As we look at our lives, how are you seeing God’s heart being shown through your life and relationships? Where do you want to ask God for change?
How do you want to respond to this passage in your daily life?
How can we pray for you as a group?
Next week: John 1:19-34