First Steps: How Money Works | 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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Leading a group through these questions? Here’s a simple guide for 1.5-2 hour GROUP meeting.

  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer. (5 minutes)

  2. Read the passage aloud. (5 minutes)

  3. Guide the group through the questions. (30-60 minutes)

  4. Take time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. (15-30 minutes)


Summary: It is challenging to think clearly about our money. We tend to view it as a limited resource that needs to be constantly protected. The Bible, however, paints a much more compelling picture: our money is like a seed that we can chose to hold onto or to plant. It’s a powerful resource with potential that cannot be unlocked until it’s given away. So … what are you doing with your money these days?

Main Points:

  1. Generosity is like gardening—the more we plant, the more we harvest.

  2. Generosity should be motivated by thoughtful joy, not duty.

  3. Generosity results in God’s abundant blessing.


  • As you think about investing your life for the sake of God’s Kingdom…

  • How might Jesus be inviting you into a deeper life of prayer?

  • How might Jesus be inviting you into a deeper life of generosity?

  • How might Jesus be inviting you into a deeper life of service?


  • What stands out to you from this passage? How does this passage most challenge or encourage you?

  • In today’s passage, Paul presents a concept of reaping and sowing. What do you think about this concept being connected to money?

  • In Luke 9:23-25, Jesus outlines the cost of following Him. He says we are to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. How does this connect with how we use and give our money?

  • Our society is gripped. by the love of money. As Jeremy outlined his key ideas above, how do each of these undermine our society’s view of money?

  • What has your experience with giving been? Do you often feel compelled or do you ask the Lord and give cheerfully?

  • Where do you want to seek growth in the area of giving?

  • How do you want to respond to this passage in your daily life?


  • How can we pray for you as a group?

  • Next week: John 12:12-19