Leading a group through these questions? Here’s a simple guide for 1.5-2 hour GROUP meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayer. (5 minutes)
Read the passage aloud. (5 minutes)
Guide the group through the questions. (30-60 minutes)
Take time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. (15-30 minutes)
Summary: Life is full of threshold moments—big transitions that can shape us in powerful ways. Some bring joy, others bring challenge, but all require wisdom and courage. How do we navigate these turning points well? In this talk, we’ll uncover six essentials for stepping into life’s next chapter with trust, hope, and a steady confidence in God’s good plans.
Main Points:
Trust that God loves you, has good plans for you, and is with you.
Let go of the past so you can step into the future.
Prepare both your heart and your plans for the journey.
Move forward with courage, even when the path isn’t fully clear.
Expect challenges to become stories of God’s faithfulness.
Stay faithful, because each ending is the start of something new.
Do you believe that God loves you and has good plans for you?
What part of your past do you need to release to step into what’s next?
What practical and spiritual steps can you take to prepare this week?
What is one step of faith you can take right now to move forward?
Can you see how your challenges might become future God stories?
What daily habits will keep you connected and faithful to Jesus?
What stands out to you from this passage? How does this passage most challenge or encourage you?
What do you think Joshua’s mindset was when he was faced with God’s ask?
What mindset did God want Joshua to have? How was Joshua instructed to adopt that mindset?
In a world where we can get everything instantly, how do you think the idea of being someone who is faithful been affected?
We are reminded that Joshua was not instructed to go alone, God would go with Him. How can that speak to our world today?
What is your mindset when times of transition come your way compared to the mindset God invites us to have?
How can you go about transitioning your mindset to God’s mindset and where, right now, in your life do you need God’s mindset?
How do you want to respond to this passage in your daily life?
How can we pray for you as a group?
Next week: John 13:1-17