Leading a group through these questions? Here’s a simple guide for 1.5-2 hour GROUP meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayer. (5 minutes)
Read the passage aloud. (5 minutes)
Guide the group through the questions. (30-60 minutes)
Take time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. (15-30 minutes)
Summary: Are you busy and tired? We recommend sabbath, the ancient and holy rhythm that brings joy and life. Sabbath helps bring form and substance to our weeks by creating space for the things that matter most, with weekly Christian worship as the highlight. Ultimately, sabbath is a practice that teaches us to trust God, our true provider and protector.
Main Points:
Sabbath is a holy rhythm that brings joy and life.
Sabbath is for relationships and soul-rest.
Sabbath becomes meaningful through weekly Christian worship.
Sabbath is a good gift from God.
Sabbath finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
Honestly assess your work/rest balance. Is it bringing joy and life to you?
Talk with your household about how you could practice sabbath, and give it a shot!
Make a commitment this year to weekly worship, and pay attention to what God does.
What stands out to you from this passage? How does this passage most challenge or encourage you?
Read Psalm 1, the theme passage for our “How to Thrive” series this year. How does the picture of the tree in Psalm 1 relate to the practices of sabbath and weekly worship in our lives with Christ?
What are the demands or responsibilities of life that you feel most stand in the way of taking time for personal Sabbath or weekly worship? What does Matthew 11:28-30 instruct you to do with these demands or responsibilities?
Are there any ways you could repurpose your time during the first 6 days of the week to create space for Sabbath and/or worship on the 7th day? Be specific.
How do you want to respond to this passage in your daily life?
How can we pray for you as a group?
Next week: Romans 12:3-18